Imagen de fondo

General Military Academy

  •  Major Band Conductor Don Pedro Raventós Gaspar

    Capitan Raventós was the third Conductor who was in charge  of the Music Unit of the Academia General Militar during the first part of the twentieth century. During the Second Epoch, from 1927-1931, it was conducted by the Music Unit Conductor Don Félix Rodríguez Duque, born in 1888 and in the Third Epoch, since 1943, by Don Ismael Granero Fayos, Captain Band Conductor, followed in 1955 by Captain Raventós.


    Pedro Raventós Gaspar was born in Las Palmas in 1919. He studied piano in his hometown, and harmony, composition and conducting in Tenerife; after that, he expanded his knowledge in the conservatory of Madrid under tutoring of Emilio Vega, former conductor of the Alabarderos Band. As an Army Band Conductor in 1944, he conducted the Bands of the Tenerife Infantry Regiment, the Third "Great Captain" of Melilla, and the Association of Mountain Nº 3. In 1955 he took over the Music Unit at the Academia General Militar which he led until his retirement in 1981.


    He was followed by Captains Izquierdo Gómez, Poza Berzosa and Grau Murcia; Major Band Conductor Blanco Domínguez, Captain Band Conductor Benito Pérez and currently Lieutenant Conductor Sancasto Calvo.

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