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Parades and Ceremonies

The Oath of Allegiance

The Oath of Allegiance is, without any doubt, the most important event in every soldier’s professional life. During this event, one kiss to the Flag represents the Oath or promise to defend Spain, even at the cost of one’s life

Gentlemen and lady cadets pledge the Oath of Allegiance on the Academia General Militar Flag. The making of the Flag was made on request of Queen María Cristina de Habsburgo, HM King Alfonso XII’s widow, and was embroidered by Spanish craftswomen of that epoch. The handing-over was carried out on July 17th,1886 at the Alcázar de Toledo, first location of the Academia General Militar in its first epoch. Since then, over 23,000 officers have kissed its cloth and sealed their commitment to Spain.

The Commandant of the AGM pronounces the oath formula.
The Commandant of the AGM pronounces the oath formula. (Photo: AGM)

In the sequence of acts, the Commandant pronounces : the oath formula: : "Gentlemen and lady Second Lieutenants, Cadets and Students! Do you swear by God or promise by your conscience and honor to fulfill your military obligations faithfully, to abide by the Constitution and ensure it is abided as the fundamental norm of the State, to bear true allegiance and respect to the King and your commanders, never abandon them and, if necessary, surrender your life in defense of Spain?"

That is answered in unison and in an energetic way by all the cadets with the cry: "YES, I DO HEREBY SWEAR"

A lady cadet kisses the Flag with emotion
A lady cadet kisses the Flag with emotion. (Photo: AGM)

Later on, all Cadets parade one-on-one placing a kiss on the Flag , materializing with this the oath-taking.

Finally, all Cadets parade in threes under the arch made up with the sabre and the flag, symbolizing that their Mother Country accepts their oath..

The formation of cadets defile under the flag
The formation of cadets defile under the flag. (Photo: AGM)

The event finishes with the Commandant’s speech, a Homage to those who gave their life for Spain, the interpretation of the Academia General Militar anthem and the parade of the Cadet Units.