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The 1st-31 Battalion 'Covadonga' trains in defensive operations

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Number: 8421

At the base 'El Goloso'

The VCI Pizarro participated in the exercise

The VCI Pizarro participated in the exercise

Adiestramiento en operaciones defensivas en ZZUU

Training in defensive operations in urban areas

The 1st-31 Battalion 'Covadonga' of the 31st Infantry Regiment “Asturias”, part of the 12th Brigade “Guadarrama”, has conducted a group of “Alphas” in order to complete the training in generalised combat (defensive) framed in its 2021 Preparation Support Plan. They were conducted from April the 19th to the 23rd at the “El Goloso” training area and shooting range (Madrid).

The objective of the exercise was to prepare the evaluation of the VJTF-22 (Very High Readiness Joint Force Attack) tactical subgroups scheduled for the month of May, and included training in defensive operations both in urbanized areas, as usual, as well as night combat shooting, taking advantage of the facilities of the training area and shooting range itself.

During the exercise, the mechanized subgroups (S/GTMZ) had the support of a section of sappers from the 12th Sapper Battalion, and two teams of artillery observers from the 12th Field Artillery Group, with whom they were able to put the Brigade's inter-weapon techniques, tactics and procedures into practice.

An intense exercise that contemplated the organisation of defensive positions in urban and conventional terrain, the relay of night positions between the two S/GTMZ and delay operations.

With the objectives met, both subgroups have completed the necessary training to integrate into Group VJTF-22, which will pass its CREVAL (Combat Readiness Evaluation) in the next “Hit & Run” exercise at the "San Gregorio" training area and shooting range (Zaragoza), where this training will be conducted with real shooting exercises.