- Araba Álava |
- Albacete |
- Alicante |
- Almería |
- Asturias |
- Ávila |
- Badajoz |
- Barcelona |
- Burgos |
- Cáceres |
- Cádiz |
- Cantabria |
- Castellón |
- Ceuta |
- Ciudad Real |
- Córdoba |
- A Coruña |
- Cuenca |
- Girona |
- Granada |
- Guadalajara |
- Gipuzkoa |
- Huelva |
- Huesca |
- Islas Baleares |
- Jaén |
- León |
- Lleida |
- Lugo |
- Madrid |
- Málaga |
- Melilla |
- Murcia |
- Navarra |
- Ourense |
- Palencia |
- Las Palmas |
- Pontevedra |
- La Rioja |
- Salamanca |
- Segovia |
- Sevilla |
- Soria |
- Tarragona |
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife |
- Teruel |
- Toledo |
- Valencia |
- Valladolid |
- Bizkaia |
- Zamora |
- Zaragoza

Main activities

- Maintaining a Spanish presence in Antarctica.
- Providing logistic support to scientific research.
- Carrying out projects of interest to the Army.
Management of the Campaign
- The Antarctic campaign is coordinated by the Spanish Polar Committee.
- The Spanish base in Antarctica, “Gabriel de Castilla”, is managed by the Operations Division of the Army Staff.
- Scientific research is coordinated by the Polar Research Programme of the Ministry of Science, Innvovation and Universities
Welcome to the base “Gabriel de Castilla”.
Welcome to the official website of the base “Gabriel de Castilla”, created to publicise the activities of Spanish scientists and soldiers in such a faraway place as Antarctica.
The Antarctic Campaign takes place every year at the Antarctic base of the Spanish Army, known as “Gabriel de Castilla” and located at Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands archipelago, as well as at any other site in Antarctic territory which might be designated. In this Campaign the Spanish Army is assisting the Ministry of Science, Innocation and Universities (MINCIU) and the Spanish Polar Committee with their research in Antarctica.
The Army has been involved in this activity since 1988 and much has been learnt over the years, such as the need to distribute tasks between the Army Staff and the Operational Logistic Force. In effect, logistic support is a crucial part of the collaboration both with the Ministry of Science, Innocation and Universities (MINCIU) and with the Spanish Polar Committee.
The aim of our mission in Antarctica is to provide logistic support to scientific research at the base “Gabriel de Castilla” and to carry out research projects of interest to the Army in the fields of transmissions, the environment, health, bromatology, clothing and camping equipment.
The 2002 Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation went to the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, which has committees in 44 countries and 9 international organizations. The award was an acknowledgment of the scientific research being carried out in Antarctica, the last remaining virgin continent, free of political and economic tensions and devoted to science.
The base “Gabriel de Castilla” on Deception Island represents Spain in that distant continent and showcases the capabilities of our Armed Forces, which are able to perform missions over long distances in extreme weather conditions and to cooperate with other sectors of society, notably scientific researchers and universities throughout Spain.
Latest news of the unit

Wednesday, January 8, 2025
La XXXVIII Campaña Antártica del Ejército de Tierra abre la Base Antártica Española “Gabriel de Castilla”
La Base Antártica Española (BAE) "Gabriel de Castilla" (GdC), gestionada por el Ejército de Tierra (ET), ya está en funcionamiento. Una vez realizada la descarga de material, han concluido las labores que han permitido la instalación de nuestros militares y los científicos que les acompañaban, para desarrollar los trabajos que les han traído hasta la isla Decepción.

Monday, December 2, 2024
La XXXVIII Campaña Antártica del Ejército de Tierra finaliza las actividades logísticas previas a su despliegue
La XXXVIII Campaña Antártica del Ejército de Tierra (CAET) está finalizando las últimas operaciones logísticas antes de su marcha al Continente Antártico.