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Army news

Friday, February 14, 2025

The Garrison Services Unit (USAC) 'San Cristóbal' is awarded the Honorary Ribbon of the Order of San Cristóbal.

The Garrison Services Unit (USAC) 'San Cristóbal' is awarded the Honorary Ribbon of the Order of San Cristóbal.

The San Cristóbal Barracks (Villaverde – Madrid) was the venue for the ceremony where the Honorary Ribbon of the Honorable and Royal Order of Knights of San Cristóbal was awarded to the Garrison Services Unit (USAC) "San Cristóbal" on February 13th.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Chief of Staff of the Army strengthens military cooperation with Turkey during an official visit

The Chief of Staff of the Army strengthens military cooperation with Turkey during an official visit

The Chief of Staff of the Army (JEME), General of the Army Amador Enseñat y Berea, conducted an official visit to Turkey from January 12th to 17th. During the visit, he fulfilled a comprehensive agenda aimed at strengthening bilateral relations and exploring new areas of cooperation in military and technological fields.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Personnel from the 'Guzmán el Bueno' Brigade is participating in the 'Gordian Knot 2024' exercise

Personnel from the 'Guzmán el Bueno' Brigade is participating in the 'Gordian Knot 2024' exercise

As part of the command post exercise “Gordian Knot 2024,” held from November 18th to 29th in Greece, the “Guzmán el Bueno” X Brigade (BRI) contributed a response cell that carried out the main effort of the operation, acting as the 34th Mechanized Division.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The Support Contingent for Iraq is successfully evaluated in Almería before departing to the operational area

The Support Contingent for Iraq is successfully evaluated in Almería before departing to the operational area

The Iraq Support Contingent (A/I) XXI, composed of personnel from the Melilla Regulars Group No. 52 for the Protection Unit (UFP) and personnel from the other units of the Melilla General Command for the National Support Element (NSE), has successfully completed the final evaluation and integration exercise (INTEVAL) in Almería, held between October 18th and 24th, prior to its deployment to the operational area.


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Workshop '24' Force 2035 'Robotization of the Battlefield'

Workshop '24' Force 2035 'Robotization of the Battlefield'

The Procurement Directorate of the Army Logistics Support Command (MALE), in collaboration with the Deputy Directorate General for Planning, Technology, and Innovation of the Directorate General for Defense Industry Strategy and Innovation, has organized the “24” Force 2035 Workshop with companies, titled “Robotization of the Battlefield.”

Friday, January 24, 2025

13th Informational Cycle on the History of Weaponry

13th Informational Cycle on the History of Weaponry

The Institute of Military History and Culture (IHCM) has organized the 13th Informational Cycle on the History of Weaponry, which will take place from February 5th to 27th at the IHCM headquarters (Paseo de Moret No. 3, Madrid).

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Army Museum Activities in November

Army Museum Activities in November

The Army Museum in Toledo has announced its cultural program for November, offering a wide range of options.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Exhibition 'The Spanish Legacy in the United States of America: The Story You Haven't Heard', in Burgos

Exhibition 'The Spanish Legacy in the United States of America: The Story You Haven't Heard', in Burgos

The Palace of the Captaincy in Burgos – Alonso Martínez Square, s/n – will host the exhibition "The Spanish Legacy in the United States of America: The Story You Haven't Heard," which will be open to the public from October 11th to November 9th.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

September Cultural Program at the Army Museum

September Cultural Program at the Army Museum

The Army Museum (in Toledo) has scheduled various activities for the upcoming month of September, including the temporary exhibition "The Languages of Music: The Army Museum's Collection of Musical Instruments", which can be visited until November from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tuesday through Sunday.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Oath of Allegiance to the Flag for Civilian Personnel in Calatayud (Zaragoza)

Oath of Allegiance to the Flag for Civilian Personnel in Calatayud (Zaragoza)

La Academia Logística, con la colaboración del ayuntamiento de Calatayud (Zaragoza), organiza una Jura de Bandera para personal civil y una rejura de antiguos alumnos de los Institutos Politécnicos nº 1 y nº 2. La ceremonia se hará el 6 de octubre a las 12.00 horas en la emblemática plaza del Fuerte. Este acto, forma parte de las actividades programadas con motivo de la conmemoración de la efeméride del 50 aniversario de creación de la Academia de Logística en Calatayud.



  • cico reclutamiento 2025
  • Premios Ejército 2025
  •  eventos ejercito de tierra

Latest news from the units

Monday, February 17, 2025

'Sin libertad de acción en el ciberespacio, la derrota es segura'

El ponente es recibido en la Sala de Directores

El vicealmirante comandante jefe del Mando Conjunto del Ciberespacio, Javier Roca, ha impartido una conferencia en la Cátedra Cervantes de la Academia General Militar sobre ´El ámbito ciberespacial en los conflictos actuales`

Friday, February 14, 2025

Visita del General Director y componentes del IHCM a la ciudad de Jaen


El pasado 13 de febrero, el General Director y diferentes componentes del IHCM, visitaron la ciudad de Jaen

Friday, February 14, 2025

Inauguración del XIII Ciclo Formativo de Historia del Armamento

Apertura del ciclo

El pasado 5 de febrero, cumpliendo la programación prevista, se inauguró el XIII Ciclo Formativo de Historia del Armamento.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Conferencia “Francisco de Requena y el Perú”


El próximo lunes 17 de febrero, tendrá lugar en el salón de actos “Ejército Español” de la sede central del Instituto de Historia y Cultura Militar, la conferencia “Francisco de Requena y el Perú”, a cargo de D. Aristóteles Álvarez López. El conferenciante es juez titular de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Loreto (Perú) e investigador aficionado de la historia de la Amazonía peruana, además de autor de varias obras.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

HQ NRDC-ESP Military Police Battalion I hosts first annual meeting of NATO Military Police Working Group 2025

1st NATO Military Police Working Group

The city of Valencia hosted the NATO Military Police Working Group (MPWG) from 3 to 7 February 2025. This event brought together 91 military personnel from 25 different nations, with the aim of developing and coordinating Military Police doctrine, tactics and procedures in combined and joint environments.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

El Batallón de Policía Militar I del CGTAD/HQ NRDC-ESP acoge la primera reunión anual del Grupo de Trabajo de Policía Militar de la OTAN 2025

Fotografía de grupo

Valencia, 8 de febrero de 2025 - La ciudad de Valencia ha sido la sede del Grupo de Trabajo de Policía Militar (MPWG) de la OTAN, que se ha celebrado del 3 al 7 de febrero de 2025. Este evento ha reunido a 91 militares de 25 naciones diferentes, con el objetivo de desarrollar y coordinar la doctrina, tácticas y procedimientos de la Policía Militar en entornos combinados y conjuntos.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Concierto CXLIII Aniversario de la Academia Militar


El próximo jueves 20 de febrero, con motivo del CXLIII aniversario de la creación de la Academia General Militar, tendrá lugar un concierto en el salón de actos “Ejército Español” del Instituto de Historia y Cultura Militar, que será ofrecido por la Unidad de Música de la Dirección de Acuartelamiento (DIACU), bajo la dirección del Comandante músico D. Andrés Jiménez Pérez, en horario de 19’15 a 20’15, aproximadamente.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Apertura del 4º Curso de Patrimonio Militar


El 11 de febrero de 2025 se ha desarrollado el acto de apertura del 4 º curso de patrimonio militar que organiza la cátedra extraordinaria de historia militar de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid con la colaboración del Instituto de Historia Militar.