Ejercito de Tierra

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Army news

Friday, July 5, 2024

The 'Ángel Guardián' exercise ends

The 'Ángel Guardián' exercise ends

The Military Police Battalion (BPM) I of the High Availability Terrestrial Headquarters organized and conducted the exercise "Ángel Guardián," developed in Bétera and Marines from June 23rd to 28th.

Monday, July 1, 2024

The exercise "Lone Paratrooper" concludes, led by the 'Almogávares' VI Brigade of Paratroopers

The exercise

The "Almogávares" VI Brigade of Paratroopers (BRIPAC) organized, once again, the exercise "Lone Paratrooper," at the air base of La Virgen del Camino, in León. Around 160 soldiers - 120 nationals and 40 foreigners - participated in these maneuvers, between June 17th and 28th, with the aim of improving instruction in parachute jumps in the mode of manual opening.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The 'King Alfonso XIII' Brigade experiments with a distributed Tactical Command Post

The 'King Alfonso XIII' Brigade experiments with a distributed Tactical Command Post

Within the Brigade 2035 concept, the Combat Brigade has two Tactical Command Posts of identical capabilities that alternate in the conduct of operations and a Rear Support Command Post for backup and monitoring.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Official visit of the Chief of Staff of the Army to the United States

Official visit of the Chief of Staff of the Army to the United States

The Chief of Staff of the Army (JEME), Army General Amador Enseñat, made an official visit to the United States, between May 15th and 23rd, in which he met with different officials of the US Army, and with which cooperation and exchange of knowledge with our US allies were strengthened.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Outstanding performance of the Spanish Army in the Swift Response 2024 Exercise.

Outstanding performance of the Spanish Army in the Swift Response 2024 Exercise.

The Spanish Army successfully concludes its participation in the Swift Response 24 exercise, which is part of the series of exercises Steadfast Defender 24, with the completion of the withdrawal of the participating units scheduled for May 24th.

Friday, May 3, 2024

The Chief of Staff of the Canary Islands Command participates in the forum 'African Land Forces Summit 2024'

The Chief of Staff of the Canary Islands Command participates in the forum 'African Land Forces Summit 2024'

The forum "African Land Forces Summit" (ALFS) this year was attended by the Chief of Staff of the Canary Islands Command, General Luis Cortés, on behalf of the Chief of Staff of the Army.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Oath of Allegiance to the Flag for Civilian Personnel in Calatayud (Zaragoza)

Oath of Allegiance to the Flag for Civilian Personnel in Calatayud (Zaragoza)

La Academia Logística, con la colaboración del ayuntamiento de Calatayud (Zaragoza), organiza una Jura de Bandera para personal civil y una rejura de antiguos alumnos de los Institutos Politécnicos nº 1 y nº 2. La ceremonia se hará el 6 de octubre a las 12.00 horas en la emblemática plaza del Fuerte. Este acto, forma parte de las actividades programadas con motivo de la conmemoración de la efeméride del 50 aniversario de creación de la Academia de Logística en Calatayud.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Open day in the 'Sancho Ramírez' barracks, in Huesca

Open day in the 'Sancho Ramírez' barracks, in Huesca

The General Headquarters of the "Castillejos" Division organized, on June 16th, an open day at the "Sancho Ramírez" barracks, in Huesca, as one of the complementary activities that will take place on the occasion of the Armed Forces Day (DIFAS) 2024.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Pledge of Allegiance for civilian personnel at the Infantry Academy

Pledge of Allegiance for civilian personnel at the Infantry Academy

The Infantry Academy will once again host the act of Oath to the Flag of Spain of civilian personnel who request it. The event will be held in the Main Square of the teaching center, in Toledo, on April 20th, at 12.00 pm.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Presented the XVI edition of the Ebro Race

Presented the XVI edition of the Ebro Race

The Brigade (BRI) "Aragón" I presented, on January 18th in the former Palace of Captaincy of Zaragoza, the XVI edition of the Ebro Race, which will be held on February 25th in Zaragoza.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Cultural activities of the Army Museum for the month of February

Cultural activities of the Army Museum for the month of February

The Museum of the Army of Toledo has announced its cultural program for the month of February, during which it keeps open the exhibition "1898: the end of four centuries of Cuba and the Spanish Philippines," which can be visited free of charge until next April, from 10.00 to 17.00 hours, in the temporary exhibition hall of the Museum.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

2023 Armored motorbike rally in the 'El Goloso' Madrid base

2023 Armored motorbike rally in the 'El Goloso' Madrid base

The 12th "Guadarrama" Brigade has organized the "2023 Armored Motorbike Rally," which will take place on June 24th, at the "El Goloso" base (Madrid).

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Day of the Armed Forces in La Coruña

Day of the Armed Forces in La Coruña

The Maneuver Support Command (MAM in Spanish) has organized a series of activities that will take place in La Coruña, from June 1st to 11th, and that aim at facilitating a better knowledge of the work carried out by the Armed Forces, by the population of Coruña and its visitors.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Celebration of the Day of the Armed Forces in Cordoba

Celebration of the Day of the Armed Forces in Cordoba

The 10th "Guzman el bueno" Brigade has organized, in collaboration with the City Council of Cordoba, a flag hoist, on June 8th, at 11.00 a.m., in the Plaza de España of the Cordoba capital.



  • Nuevo currículo formativo oficiales
  • Especial Tierra Digital 2024
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Latest news from the units

Monday, July 22, 2024

El Grupo Militar de Alta Montaña alcanza una cima virgen de 5.010 mts en el Karakórum paquistaní

El GMAM en la cima del «Hanif» 5.010 m

El GMAM y un equipo del explorador Sebastián Álvaro y Salomba Ventures alcanzan una cima virgen de 5.010 metros de altitud, en el corazón de la cordillera del Karakórum, en Pakistán

Monday, July 22, 2024

La Brigada “Guzmán el Bueno” X participa en la conmemoración del 216 aniversario de la Batalla de Bailén.

Formación para el acto

Entre el 17 y el 21 de julio, la Brigada “Guzmán el Bueno” X ha participado en la conmemoración del 216 aniversario de la Batalla de Bailén, que ha tenido lugar en la propia ciudad, rememorando y honrando a los héroes que hicieron posible esta victoria que se significó por ser la primera derrota que se infringía al poderoso ejército imperial de Napoleón.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Los componentes de la AALOG 61 que han participado en la OP. F-E SVK regresan a territorio nacional

Componentes de la primera rotación

Después de haber permanecido en el país eslovaco durante seis meses, vuelven a casa con la satisfacción del deber cumplido.

Friday, July 19, 2024

El REI n.º11 presente en el DIFAS de Valladolid, Salamanca y Zamora.


El Regimiento de Especialidades de Ingenieros n.º 11, comenzó el mes de junio participando en los actos de conmemoración del Día de las Fuerzas Armadas 2024 en Valladolid el día 1, en Salamanca el día 6 y en Zamora el día 7.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

‘Memorial de Artillería’ junio de 2024

Portada Memorial de Artillería junio 2024

‘Memorial de Artillería’ es una publicación oficial profesional donde se exponen noticias, vicisitudes y perspectivas del Arma, y trata de ser un punto central de encuentro entre artilleros. Tiende a ser un órgano de debate en asuntos de instrucción y empleo o técnica e investigación, difundiendo ideas y datos que, por su significación y actualidad, tengan un interés especial y resulten de utilidad para los componentes del arma de artillería. Todo ello con el objetivo final de ser una publicación relevante, fuente de información y foro de reflexión sobre los desafíos que depara el futuro próximo y los retos que afronta la artillería.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Centenario de la Base ¨Álvarez de Sotomayor¨

base Alvaerez de Sotomayor

a Real Orden firmada el 18 de julio de 1924 decía: "Excmo. Sr.: S. M. el R e y (q.D.g.) se ha servido disponer que el Campamento de Viator, ocupado por la Brigada de reserva de África, sea designado en lo sucesivo con nombre de Campamento general Álvarez de Sotomayor. De Real orden lo digo a V.E. para su conocimiento y efectos consiguientes.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Visita del Comandante General de Melilla a la diagnosis de los vehículos URO VAMTAC por la empresa UROVESA.


El pasado 17 de julio de 2024, el Comandante General de Melilla, Luis Sáez Rocandio, se desplazó al acuartelamiento Millán Astray para visitar las labores de diagnosis a los vehículos URO VAMTAC de las Unidades de la COMGEMEL que realizo la empresa externalizada UROVESA contratada por el PCMVR Nº1 del MALE.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

La Brilat entrega el mando de las fuerzas desplegadas de la Brigada Multinacional de la OTAN en Eslovaquia

Transferencia de autoridad en Eslovaquia

El acto de transferencia de autoridad (TOA) se ha realizado entre la Brigada “Galicia” VII (BRILAT) y la Brigada “Almogávares” VI, de Paracaidistas (BRIPAC) durante la mañana del día día 15 de julio de 2024 en plaza de las banderas del centro de adiestramiento de Lest, Eslovaquia.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

El Comandante General pasa revista al GT. Melilla.


El día 10 de julio de 2024, el Comandante General de Melilla, Luis Sáez Rocandio, pudo comprobar de primera mano las capacidades del Grupo Táctico Melilla , que durante esa semana se activó en la explanada del Campo de Maniobras y Tiro de Rostrogordo.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

La Unidad Logística 24 realiza las Jornadas de Auxiliar de Cocina 2024

Jornadas Auxiliar de Cocina

En el acuartelamiento Pedro de Estopiñan y Virués se clausuraron las Jornadas de Auxiliar de Cocina organizadas por la Unidad Logística nº 24