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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the website of Melilla General Command, which aims at serving as a meeting point for all those who wear the honourable uniform of the Spanish Army, and more specifically to those stationed at the Melilla garrison.

The website contains a historical overview since 1497, when Melilla became part of the Crown of Castile, all the way to the present, as well as our expectations for the future. Throughout its long and often heroic history, this celebrated General Command has been able to convey the best of the military values which characterise our Armed Forces.

The men and women who make up Melilla General Command endeavour every day to improve their level of training in order to serve the Spanish people efficiently and with total availability. It now incorporates the new technologies with the determination to take full advantage of the possibilities they afford.

We hope this website will contribute to a better knowledge of the long history of this garrison and of the changes it goes through as it aspires to be an exemplary unit within the Army from the welcoming city of Melilla, vanguard of Spain.

General Commander



Latest news of the unit

Linea de tiro

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

El Cuartel General de la COMGEMEL realiza una Jornada de Instrucción Continuada

Durante los días 28 y 29 de enero de 2025, los miembros del Cuartel General de la Comandancia General de Melilla (COMGEMEL) realizaron la Jornada de Instrucción Continuada (JIC) correspondiente al mes de enero

Visita del JEMMACANA a las instalaciones del TGC 1

Monday, January 27, 2025

El Jefe del Estado Mayor del Mando de Canarias visita la Comandancia General de Melilla.

Entre el 22 y el 24 de enero de 2024, el Jefe del Estado Mayor del Mando de Canarias (JEMMCANA), general de división Ramón Armada Vázquez, realizó su primera visita a la Comandancia General de Melilla (COMGEMEL) para conocer de primera mano la situación de las Unidades de esta Comandancia General y las Islas y Peñones de Soberanía.