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A mission of service, sacrifice and bravery

Monday, May 4, 2020

Number: 7953

In the first person, against Covid-19

The 16th ‘Canary Islands’ Brigade’s motto is, ‘with service, sacrifice and bravery,’ and this is exactly how Private Aguilar, who is posted in the 93rd Campaign Artillery Regiment, has faced his participation in Operation ‘Balmis’, since the declaration of the State of Alarm on the 14th of March.

The private has participated in the work carried out in Tenerife and La Gomera. His job within the operation has focussed on disinfecting facilities, surveillance and deterrence in areas of public transit, and raising awareness among the civil population. “We maintained prior training, although our unit already had training in radiological, nuclear, biological and chemical disinfectation,” he affirms.

If the soldier stands out for anything, it is for his attentive and kind manner, which has allowed him to spread calmness and encouragement to the people of La Gomera and Tenerife. “In the case of La Gomera, it is important to show empathy, because it is a place where they are used to a quiet life and we needed to work to raise awareness,” he explains. However, he highlights the kindness of the local people, and their gratitude for his work: “They even offered us coffee and biscuits,” he adds.

The soldier, who is 28 years old, doesn’t hesitate to volunteer for any mission in which he may be required, regardless of the risk to which he may be exposed, and always puts a sense of duty before any personal situation. Born in Venezuela, and from a family in the Canary Islands, he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to help in these difficult times. “I feel personal satisfaction from having participated and having done my bit,” he states.

Operation ‘Balmis’ is the most difficult situation he has had to face. However, with service, sacrifice and bravery he knows that he can achieve anything.

Private Aguilar is in the 93rd Campaign Artillery Regiment

Private Aguilar is in the 93rd Campaign Artillery Regiment