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The Regular Forces from Melilla advance answering with fire the incidents with IED

Friday, April 20, 2018

Number: 6592

The 1st Reconnaissance Section of Tábor "Alhucemas" from the 52nd Group of Regulars belonging to the General Command of Melilla, conducted, the 16th of April, an armed response exercise facing the attack with an Improvised Explosive Device against a convoy.

In the training exercises participated two reconnaissance squads and another anti-vehicle defense, with VAMTAC vehicles and equiped with machine guns, grenade launchers and Spike missiles.

The detonation of an IED, as one of the vehicles belonging to the column was passing through, stops the convoy and demands a quick intervention of the section. However, getting back the vehicle gets more difficult due to an enemy offensive, which involves a quick reaction of all the personnel. "On the one hand, we should guarantee the protection of the vehicles reached by the explosive device and, on the other hand, we have to give an armed response to the enemy, in order to face their attacks", states Lieutenant Romero, chief of the Section.


The shooters' mission


The mission of the two teams of Barret shooters participating in the exercise have been very important for its development. That way, the Lieutenant pointed out that their mission goes beyond an armed attack: "they are able to see what it is at the forefront and to carefully study the movements of the enemy".

Next to each of the shooters, it is essential to play attention to the role taken by the watcher, who controls all the aspects which can affect the shooting, and provides information, giving a bigger precision to them.

Once the zone has been isolated, and after checking that it is safe to take the vehicle reached by the IED device, it is time to find an exit from that place.

With these type of exercises, the unit is trained and works in order to give a bigger response towards incidents characterized by the use of fire; furthermore they are more prepared in order to face possible demands of intervention.

Two Barret shooters-watchers in action

Two Barret shooters-watchers in action.(pHoto:J. De los Reyes Martínez/DECET)