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  • La ministra de Defensa y el JEME visitan a las unidades del acuartelamiento `Camposoto´
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The Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff of the Army visit the units of the 'Camposoto' barracks

Monday, January 22, 2024

Number: 9573

In San Fernando (Cadiz)

The Minister and the JEME with CEFOT students

The Minister and the JEME with CEFOT students

The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, visited on January 19th the Troop Training Center (CEFOT) No. 2 in its facilities in the "Camposoto" barracks of San Fernando (Cadiz). Accompanied by the Chief of Staff of the Army, Army General Amador Enseñat, the Minister and the JEME met with some of the more than 1,000 aspiring professional soldiers who are doing their training at the center.

The Minister addressed them and said that they should feel very proud of having chosen to become soldiers, "first because it is a vocation of service, to serve Spain and others, and second because it is a profession that allows you to have a professional future and be part of a large family." Likewise, she stressed the fact that the Armed Forces are always available to citizens in emergency or difficult situations, highlighting the good preparation of the Spanish Army.

The head of CEFOT No. 2, Colonel Delgado, explained the training activities of the center and the reforms that have been carried out in recent years to meet the progressive increase in applicants who arrive there. Likewise, Colonel Delgado expressed satisfaction with the work of his team of teachers and professors, noting that "it is very gratifying to see how they are growing and gaining confidence in themselves, and teaming up."

For his part, the JEME congratulated the teachers for their teaching effort and the aspirants who next week will become professional soldiers, since January 27th is their Pledge of Allegiance, and he reminded them to keep "always in mind that it is a commitment to Spain and the Spanish people" while stressing that "the military career is also a career full of opportunities."


Coast Artillery Regiment No. 4

Visit to RACTA No. 4

Visit to RACTA No. 4

Subsequently, Minister Robles moved to the Coast Artillery Regiment (RACTA) No. 4, also located in the 'Camposoto' barracks, and which has among its main missions the control and defense of the coasts, in particular the Strait of Gibraltar.

The head of the Regiment, Colonel Gutiérrez, guided the tour of the unit and the static exhibition of material, with artillery pieces and sensors whose function was explained in detail to the minister.


Floral offering in memory of Sergeant Major Grau

Floral offering in memory of Sergeant Major Grau

Precisely, Sergeant Major Débora Grau belonged to RACTA No. 4 , who died in an accident during maneuvers in 2021, and in front of the monolith erected in her memory within the barracks the head of Defense deposited a floral offering.