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SER Granada Radio Station Broadcasts from the Training and Doctrine Command

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Number: 1750

The SER Radio Station’s programme ‘For the Time Being’, directed by Mr.  Rafael Troyano, was broadcast on the morning of 26th June from the Throne Room of the ‘Capitanía’ Palace in Granada, headquarters of the Training and Doctrine Command, in the presence of a large audience and with the collaboration of several servicepersons who participated in the talk show.  They spoke about, among other topics, the history of the ‘Capitanía’ Palace, international Army missions in countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as balancing family and professional life at the various posts. 

Also during the broadcast, Lieutenant General Francisco Puentes Zamora, commander of the Training and Doctrine Command, granted a live interview in which he dealt with subjects such as the current importance of women in the Army, the close relationship between the Training and Doctrine Command and the city of Granada, as well as collaboration with associations such as ‘Project Man’.


The broadcast from ‘Capitanía’ Palace was a hit with the audience

The broadcast from ‘Capitanía’ Palace was a hit with the audience (Photo:Training and Doctrine Command)