Vinajeras de plata
Silver cruets

The name “Varios” (“Miscellanea”) is given to a collection which would include all types of essentials: items hard to sort, such as personal or familiar, related to feats or heroes, institutions or army units memorabilia

The objects included in this collection fall into the most diverse categories, such as watches, meals ready to eat, canteens, skeletal remains, stuffed animals (like the carrier pigeon which flew back and forth between the Sanctuary of Santa María de la Cabeza and the Military Government of Córdoba during the Civil War), draft cards, cigarette cases, pipes, glasses, pens, inkwells and religious pieces with a liturgical purpose (powder compact, chalice, paten, crosses, tabernacles, cruets…) or of an ethnographical-anthropological nature, with an apotropaic –protective– purpose, with names dedicated to the saints or the Virgin Mary (detentes  with the Sacred Heart or the image of Saint Joseph and Child Jesus, scapulars…). Objects related to the industrial and agricultural heritage are also worth mentioning (scythes, pliers, scissors, riveters…) as well as those of a scientific nature, as sampler albums showing woods from the Philippines or Cuba.

It constitutes a very heterogeneous material, depicting the daily life in the military or having a specific purpose in the past, which, as time has gone by, has acquired new uses, as a Museum’s item, related to particular characters, illustrious or not, or to some war or military daily-life event.


  • Scapular and stop Captain Santiago Cortes Gonzalez 1937

  • Pipe belonging to General Manuel Díez-Alegría (1905-1987)

  • Inkwell used by General Leopoldo O’Donnell during the African campaign

  • Silver chalice