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Friday, February 21, 2014

Number: 03

Multinational Joint Operational Planning in Valencia

HQ NRDC ESP ends the operational planning phase to becoming a JTF HQ





HQ NRDC-ESP is preparing to become the first Joint Task Force (Land Heavy) Headquarters (JTF HQ) in NATO. Exercise Trident Jaguar 14 (TRJR 14) will be the key mile-stone in this process. Phase II A/II B of this exercise was successfully carried out in HQ NRDC-ESP facilities in Betera Military Base from the 3rd to the 21st   of February. The briefing to the NRDC ESP Commander that took place on the 18th of February marked the end of the Joint Operational Planning phase carried out by the HQ NRDC ESP Joint Operational Planning Group (JOPG).

More than 30 representatives from the Spanish Army, Navy, Air Force, affiliated Portuguese and Greek Brigades, NATO Maritime Command (MARCOM), NATO Support Agency (NSPA) and Estonian liaison officers (Estonia is the fictitious scenario for TRJR 14) joined HQ NRDC-ESP members of the staff during the planning process. In addition, HQ NRDC ESP also received the support and mentorship given by representatives from the Joint Warfare Centre, the Joint Analysis & Lessons Learnt Centre and SHAPE.
The high number of observers, including those coming from other Graduated Readiness Force (GRF) Headquarters similar to ours, shows the importance of the JTF certification process in which we are fully involved.  HQ NRDC ESP is committed to passing the certification process and becoming the first JTF HQ in NATO.