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Friday, March 7, 2014


NATO Corps Commanders endorse the Joint Task Force Integrated Model.

Commanders Conference  in Izmir



The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Commander (NRDC ESP COM), Spanish Lieutenant General (LTG) Rafael Comas Abad, participated  in the Semestral Commanders Conference  that took place in Izmir from 4th to the 6th of March hosted by the NATO Land Command (LANDCOM).
The aim of the conference, which gathered all the Commanders or Deputy Commanders of NATO Headqueartes from both the NATO Command Structure and the NATO Force Structure, was to discuss the role of the land forces in the upcoming combined operations.
LTG Comas, as NRDC-ESP COM, explained the evolution of the certification process in which HQ NRDC ESP is fully committed to become the first Land Headquarters to be certified as a Joint Task Force Headquartes for Land heavy operations.
The NATO COMs also agreed the new denomination of “Joint Task Force integrated model” as the official name for the new command and control concept in this type of operations.   
HQ NRDC ESP will hopefully be certified as the first Joint Task Force Headquarters for small operation (Land Heavy) during the exercise TRJR 14 that will take place in Menorca in May. The stand by period will cover the second semester of 2014 and the first one of 2015.