Imagen de fondo

Main Activities

  • Instruction and combat training.
  • Carrying out exercises and manoeuvres in national and international training fields.
  • Participating in national missions.
  • Participating in international missions (NATO and EU framework in Europe).

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Foreign operations

Brilat en el mundo
  • Bosnia i Herzegovina.
  • Kosovo.
  • Iraq.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Pakistan.
  • Lebanon.
  • Mali.

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The Goshawk


Welcome to the 7th “Galicia” Brigade web page

The 7th “Galicia” Brigade, one of the youngest brigades in our army, has already got a rich, varied and worthy legacy in international operations, as well as work on home soil. We identify ourselves as a united, modern, operational Great Unit, with staff accredited for their professional competence.

The glorious history of the Regiments and Battalions of our brigade, its deep-rooted traditions, the air transportation spirit that is shown in our goshawks, has been reinforced over the years by the 7th “Galicia” Brigade members, making this Great Unit an exemplary brigade, always at the forefront of the army units. The brigade takes on posts involving higher risk and exhaustion, but never complaining about the harsh conditions that it has to cope with, making it a resistant, selfless and experienced unit.

Our motto therefore combines the memory of heroic acts of our predecessors with our recent and current missions:


We thank you for your interest in us and for visiting our web page. We hope you enjoy finding out about our unit, made up of committed and determined men and women who have devoted their lives to the service of the Army and Spain.

Latest news of the unit

Transferencia de autoridad en Eslovaquia

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

La Brilat entrega el mando de las fuerzas desplegadas de la Brigada Multinacional de la OTAN en Eslovaquia

El acto de transferencia de autoridad (TOA) se ha realizado entre la Brigada “Galicia” VII (BRILAT) y la Brigada “Almogávares” VI, de Paracaidistas (BRIPAC) durante la mañana del día día 15 de julio de 2024 en plaza de las banderas del centro de adiestramiento de Lest, Eslovaquia.

Acto traspaso de mando coronel checo y coronel español

Thursday, July 4, 2024

La BRILAT asume el mando del Battle Group de la OTAN desplegado en Eslovaquia

La Brigada Galicia VII -BRILAT- ha tomado el relevo al frente del Battle Group Multinacional de la OTAN (escalable a Brigada) desplegado en Eslovaquia hasta ahora liderado por la República Checa.