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The acting Defense Ministry of Spain and the Chief of Staff of the Spanish Army visit the General Military Academy

Friday, September 30, 2016

Number: 5502

Mr. Pedro Morenés −the acting Minister of Defense of Spain− in his visit to Zaragoza on Sept. 29th, has shared his best wishes with the cadets of the General Military Academy (GMA) who have just started the academic year.

General Jaime Domínguez Buj −Chief of Staff of the Spanish Army− and the Academy´s Director, General Lanchares were awaiting for the Minister who received official honors and was informed on the academic training of the officials.

Right after, at the assembly hall, Mr. Morenés had the opportunity to speak to the students to whom he thanked ‘for being heroes every single day’ and for having chosen a path of commitment and service to Spain.

Next, he attended different learning activities such as a military and leadership training, an operative planning of a tactical exercise training in English or classroom and laboratory practices at the Defense University Center.

His visit ended with a meeting with the Academy students and staff.

Exercise planning explanation in English

Exercise planning explanation in English (Photo:AGM)