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The BMS spreads among the tanks´battalions

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Number: 5693


Mechanized Battalion Command Post

Mechanized Battalion Command Post (Photo:SUBSAR-SAWESIT)

BMS working

BMS working (Photo:SUBSAR-SAWESIT)

These days, the Spanish Army tanks´ battalions finish their forward leap schift to the new system design for the command and control of the Armored and Mechanized Battalions. We are talking about the BMS-LINCE (Battlefield Management System-Leopard Information and Control Equipment); the last tests were done at the end of November at the “Cerro Muriano”, in Córdoba.

The mentioned tests, in which the 10th Brigade “Guzmán el Bueno” deployed a Communication and Information System/Tactical Group level, helped to check the compatibility of the mentioned system with the one on the Pizarro vehicle and it was verified that all the BMS tactical functions could be used at the Tactical Group Command Post through the Post Command Battalion (PC Bon) on the Pizarro vechicle; this allows the chief to share a common vision in the battefield with all the vehicles with the section chief included.

There were also examined the possibilities of: the localization information transmission, warnings, alarms, coordination measures, messenger service, etc. All these were provided by the BMS and exceed by far the potential of the former FFT system.

It was also shown how to implement this informations within the SIMACET (Command and Control system of the Spanish Army), so the Brigade Commander can get as well that same battlefield vision. 
The “Cerro Muriano” deployment also contributes to define the new BMS in which the Weapons System Acquisition Management, the Information Management and the Coommunications and Technical Assistance participate, along with other units such as the Battalion “Lepanto” II/2.