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The Task Force ASPFOR XXVIII Logistic Unit Reaches a New Milestone in Evaluation

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Number: 828

Logistics Brigade personnel remained in  ZaragozaTwo months after its creation, the Logistics Brigade has participated in its first evaluation exercise, which has also been the debut of the videoconference as the work method for maintaining contact among the personnel involved.  This is the exercise undertaken by the Logistic Unit which will deploy in April to make up part of the 28th Spanish Force in Afghanistan.  

To date, it was usual for the team of evaluators to transfer to the generating unit’s headquarters, or training camp where this was deployed to have physical proximity with the personnel that they had to examine.  Technology provided the opportunity to avoid this travel without detriment to the work, as this case has demonstrated.

Vehicle recuperation was one of the practical exercises While Logistic Unit members, who integrate 16th Light Infantry Brigade “Canarias” and 81st Logistic Support Group personnel, remained on the archipelago, they received the incidences that they were injected remotely from Zaragoza, where the Logistic Brigade is located.  Likewise, during the days that the exercise lasted (from 28th February to 4th March) various videoconferences were carried out to maintain contact, and the critical judgment held at conclusion also used this same system..

Given the innovative character of the exercise, the commander of the Operational Logistic Force, General Aparicio, and the commander of the Logistics Brigade, General Corres, wished to be present during its undertaking and took advantage of their visit to tour the 81st Logistic Support Group installations.