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The Secretary General for Defence Policy close the IX Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces


Authorities on the closing day of the Forum

Authorities on the closing day of the Forum


The 9th edition of the Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces came to an end on November 16th. The Secretary General of Defense Policy, Admiral Juan F. Martínez Núñez, gave the final lecture of the event and, subsequently, the Chief of Staff of the Army (JEME), Army General Amador Enseñat y Berea, proceeded to the official closing of the Forum, held for two days in the convent "Santo Domingo" - headquarters of the High Availability Terrestrial General Headquarters (CGTAD) -.

If during the first day the two panels covered the situation in Africa and the lessons learned in the war in Ukraine; during the second they analyzed the application and impact of emerging technologies in land warfare. During this third panel they discussed how to adapt them to achieve credible deterrence by European armies, as well as how to gain a significant advantage over potential adversaries.

In this way, Valencia served as a meeting point for two days for the heads of European land forces to address the current strategic landscape, as well as the threats and risks they face.

Once this IX Forum closed, the opportunity was taken to impose the Grand Cross of Military Merit with white badge on the JEMES of Portugal, General Eduardo Manuel Braga da Cruz, and France, General Pierre Schill.






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