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Cuartel General Terrestre de Alta Disponibilidad (CGTAD)


Units integrated into the NRDC-SP

Units integrated into the NRDC-SP

Visit the Santo Domingo convent

Old Santo Domingo Convent (s. XIII)
Guided tours (free).
More information on:
Number phone: 96 196 32 37


The NATO Rapid Deployable Spanish Corps (NRDC-SP), inheritor of the former Capitanía General de Levante, is a first level command of the Spanish Army that brings together all the basic elements of an Army  Corps Headquarters or a Land Component Command.

It also materalises the commitment Spain has to NATO, through the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain (HQ NRDC-ESP) of the Atlantic Alliance, where the majority of the men and women work hand in hand with allied personnel from different nations.

The NATO Rapid Deployable Spanish Corps is made up of an Army Corps-level Staff under the command of a Major General, and situated in Valencia (Santo Domingo Barracks, Capitanía General of Valencia), as well as in Bétera (Base Jaime I), where the allied personnel are located.

Within its integrated units are: the nº1 Intelligence Regiment, the HQ Battalion of the NATO Rapid Deployable Spanish Corps and the 1st Military Police Batallion.

The Chief of this headquarters also benefits from a series of support organisations, such as: the Insitutional Relations Area, the Legal Advisor Office, the Adjuntacy, the HQ Support Office, the Public Affairs Office (press and protocol), the Economic Administration Head Office and HQ Sergeant Major.

Latest news of the unit

DIFAS 24_2

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Jornada de Puertas Abiertas en Capitanía General para conmemorar el Día de las FFAA (DIFAS) 2024.

Con gran afluencia de público, el pasado sábado 25 de mayo tuvo lugar en el Convento Santo Domingo, sede del Cuartel General Terrestre de Alta Disponibilidad y auténtica joya del patrimonio cultural de todos, la tradicional Jornada de Puertas Abiertas, en el marco de los actos del Día de la Fuerzas Armadas de este año, cuyo acto central se celebró en Oviedo, presidido por SM el Rey.

Sesión teórica durante el curso

Friday, May 17, 2024

Personal del CGTAD imparte el Curso de Planeamiento Táctico Terrestre OTAN en el Centro Internacional de las Fuerzas Armadas de Suecia.

Personal del Cuartel General Terrestre de Alta Disponibilidad de la OTAN en Bétera (Valencia) imparte un curso de planeamiento táctico terrestre basado en doctrina OTAN en el Centro Internacional de las Fuerzas Armadas de Suecia (SWEDINT) del 15 al 26 de abril de 2024.