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Ninth Forum Commanders of European Land Forces

The employment of land forces facing the 360 threat Spanish version






clausura foro jemes europeos
The Secretary General for Defence Policy close the IX Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces

The 9th edition of the Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces came to an end on November 16th.

Spain hosts the IX Forum of Chiefs of Staff of European Armies
Army General Amador Enseñat y Berea, Chief of Staff of the Army (JEME) receives his European counterparts to discuss the use of land forces against  the 360-degree threat.

Press dossier

This important annual meeting is held for the first time in Spain, having chosen the headquarters of the High Availability Terrestrial Headquarters (CGTAD) in Valencia.

The Chief of Staff of the Army inaugurates the IX Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces

The "Santo Domingo" convent, headquarters of the High Availability Terrestrial Headquarters, in Valencia, hosts the IX Forum of Commanders of the European Land Forces.


