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The Chief of Staff of the Army inaugurates the IX Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces


The Chief of Staff of the Army inaugurated the Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces

The Chief of Staff of the Army inaugurated the Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces


The "Santo Domingo" convent, headquarters of the High Availability Terrestrial Headquarters, in Valencia, hosts the IX Forum of Commanders of the European Land Forces. On November 15th and 16th, 30 countries will participate in the most important meeting to discuss the use of land forces facing the 360-degree threat, within the framework of the activities organized on the occasion of the Spanish presidency of the European Union during this semester.

The Chief of Staff of the Spanish Army (JEME), Army General Amador Enseñat y Berea, inaugurated the first day. He stressed the importance of such an event to share and discuss ideas, initiatives and points of view at the highest level, in a flexible way and outside the framework of NATO or European Union structures.

Likewise, he underlined the need to improve the capabilities of the armies to "face the challenges of security and defense in Europe" and pointed out the difference in the nature of the two main armed conflicts that dominate today. "While the war in Ukraine is conventional and symmetrical - one state against another - the recent conflict in the Gaza Strip responds to a different pattern, one non-state actor against another state", the JEME stated.

Thus, the IX Forum began with three panels in which military personnel - both Spanish and foreign - and civilians participate. The first one, called "Contemporary Warfare," was divided into two parts: one, on contemporary warfare and the challenges it faces - such as lessons learned from the conflict in Ukraine - and the other one, on Africa and the Sahel. The second one addressed the employment of land forces in current and future operational environments. Finally, the third panel, planned for tomorrow, reviews the application of technologies in the design of the land forces of the future.







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