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Spain hosts the IX Forum of Chiefs of Staff of European Armies

At the High Availability Terrestrial Headquarters (Valencia)




Army General Amador Enseñat y Berea, Chief of Staff of the Army (JEME) receives his European counterparts to discuss the use of land forces against  the 360-degree threat.

The European JEMEs Forum (EJF23) is an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between European land forces and to address the common challenges they face.


From November 14th to 16th, in the Convent Barracks of Santo Domingo (traditional General Captaincy), headquarters of the High Availability Terrestrial Headquarters (Valencia) and coinciding with the semester of the Spanish presidency of the EU, the Army will host the IX edition of the Forum of European Chiefs of Staff (JEMEs) (Commanders of European Land Forces).

This edition, which is hosted by Army General Amador Enseñat y Berea, Spanish Chief of Staff of the Army, aims to promote dialogue and cooperation between the heads of European armies, as well as to address the common challenges they face.

The forum, which will bring together 30 commanders-in-chief of land forces from European countries, includes on its agenda panels on lessons learned from the war in Ukraine and other scenarios, the role of land armies in multi-domain operations and the impact of emerging technologies on land warfare.

Media interested in covering the opening session should send their request, before 12:00h on Monday, November 13th, to the following emails: (copy: and


  • SOCIAL MEDIA THEY BELONG TO AND POSITION (editor, photographer, presenter)

Accreditations will be collected between 07:15 and 07:45 hours on October 15th at the access to the Convent Barracks of Santo Domingo through the Ximénez de Sandoval door.

After that time, access will not be possible.






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