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Medical support on the ready for the LIVEX phase of exercise Trident Juncture 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Number: 4617

Inside a medicalised H-27 helicopter

Inside a medicalised H-27 helicopter (Photo: BRISAN)

10-bed field hospitalisation unit

10-bed field hospitalisation unit (Photo: BRISAN)

The personnel and equipment mobilised to provide medical support during the LIVEX phase of Trident Juncture are now deployed both at the training centres and in the maritime and aerial training areas. As one of the host nations of the NATO exercise, Spain is charged with the provision of such support.

The personnel come from the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Minister of Defence via the Medical Defence Inspectorate. Regarding the Army’s contribution, at the training centres “San Gregorio” (Zaragoza) and “Chinchilla” (Albacete) it has deployed a unit able to deliver Role-1 medical care equipped with a first-aid post which includes a 10-bed field hospitalisation unit. It has also installed an assisted ground evacuation unit made up of four ambulances to provide advanced life support and four others for basic life support, as well as an assisted air evacuation unit with two HT-27 helicopters from the Army Helicopter Forces medicalised by the Medical Brigade. In addition, there are support units to take care of hospitalised personnel and report daily to the chief of the Medical Unit.

On the other hand, a medical unit able to provide Role-1 care has been deployed at the training field and shooting range “Álvarez de Sotomayor” (Almería). It includes a first-aid post, an assisted ground evacuation unit with an ambulance able to provide basic life support and a hospital support unit. In addition, a medical logistic support unit has been assigned the task of providing medical resources. It is based at the cantonment “General Arteaga” (Madrid) but it will be deployed to any theatre of operations where it is needed.

Furthermore, another unit will serve in an advisory capacity on issues of pharmacy, veterinary, nursing and psychology. Its personnel come from Medical Brigade HQ and will be based at the cantonment “Cavalcanti” (Madrid), although it will be deployed to any theatre of operations where its counsel is required. The veterinary unit will liaise with the bodies which can provide second-level assistance with small and large animals. Its personnel come from the 3rd Medical Group of the Medical Brigade, who will be stationed at the service base “San Jorge” (Zaragoza).

Lastly, members of the Medical Brigade will also be deployed at the Medical Support Coordination Centre and as liaison officers between the different structures. This deployment involves 150 men and women from the brigade.