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Cycle of conferences on Intelligence

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Number: 4317

In Valencia on 12 and 19 June

Promotional poster of the conferences

Promotional poster of the conferences (Photo: RINT 1)

The 1st Intelligence Regiment organizes a cycle of conferences entitled “Intelligence Culture” to mark the 10th anniversary of the creation of that unit. The first conference, “Intelligence units in the Army. Origin and rationale” by General Valentín Martínez (first director of the Armed Forces Intelligence Service), will take place on 12 June at 12:00 AM. The second conference, “Psychological operations in Spain” by Prof. José Manuel Grandela and Colonel Fernando Barrón, will be held on 19 June at 11:00 AM.

Both conferences will be hosted at the assembly room of the Hall of Arms in the Military Sociocultural Sports Centre “Rey Juan Carlos I”, in Valencia. Those wishing to attend should request an invitation at the following e-mail address: