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‘Bilbao and its ‘Garellano’ Regiment. 125 Years Together’ Exhibition

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Number: 2010

From 1st to 9th December, in Bilbao

Poster referring to the exhibition in Bilbao

Poster referring to the exhibition in Bilbao (Photo:45th Light Infantry Regiment ‘Garellano’)

45th Light Infantry Regiment ‘Garellano’ reaches its 125th anniversary, and it is celebrating this with an exhibition on its history which will be opened on 30th November in the auditorium of the Basurto District Municipal Centre in Bilbao.

The visit is made up of different thematic areas that review the history of the century old Regiment, in addition to the vehicle exposition and various audiovisual projections.  It may be visited from ten o’clock in the morning until two o’clock in the afternoon, as well as from four to eight o’clock in the evening.