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Storytellers at the Army Museum

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Number: 1996

Every Saturday and Sunday in December in Toledo

Storytelling activities at the Army Museum

Storytelling activities at the Army Museum (Photo: Army Museum)

The Army Museum will carry out children’s tours with storytelling during December.  On Saturdays ‘Robert’s Journey’ will be told, a story related with the Peugeot car that is on exhibit in the lobby for groups.  On Sundays a storyteller will meet the children in the Army Museum’s miniatures hall to tell them ‘Really Small’.  Exceptionally, on Saturday 8th December -holiday of the Immaculate Conception- ‘The Miracle of Empel’ will be narrated in the ‘Spanish Monarchy’ hall.

These storytelling events are an activity included in the entrance price until reaching full capacity.  Sessions will be at 12:00 pm and 12:45 pm.