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The 3,000 m Ridge Traverse will March through the Sierra Nevada

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Number: 1831

Ascent in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

Ascent in the Sierra Nevada Mountains (Photo:Training and Doctrine Command)

The Training and Doctrine Command will organise from 31st August to 2nd September, the 2nd Civic-Military Traverse of the Sierra Nevada 3,000 m Peaks -using the march-climbing technique.  The 35 registered participants—10 of them service personnel—will cover a distance of 50 km, from the western end of the mountainous massif the eastern, crossing all the peaks over 3,000 m.

The activity, considered to be highly demanding physically due to the approximately 4,100 m change in altitude over the course of the route, passes through the exceptional landscapes that the Sierra Nevada Mountains offer.  Participants will receive the invaluable support of the 21st Logistic Support Group’s 9th Transport Group which will take them to Jérez del Marquesado and will pick them up in Nigüelas.