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7th Season of the Armed Forces ‘Two Hills’ Race

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Number: 1654

In Granada on 3rd June

  Promotional ‘Two Hills’ Race poster

Promotional ‘Two Hills’ Race poster (Photo:Training and Doctrine Command)

On 3rd June the ‘Two Hills’ Race will be undertaken in the streets of Granada, in its seventh season.  It will have the participation of 2,000 runners distributed into various categories that will cover different distances: from 13.5 km. corresponding to the absolute category to 390 metres for the 5-8 year olds.  All registered runners have collaborated with 1 Euro, a symbolic fee that will be donated to Diocesan Cáritas charities.

The race is organised by the Training and Doctrine Command and the Granada Municipal Council Sports Board.  The event presentation took place on 22nd May in the Commissions Hall at  the Granada City Hall in the presence of General Honorio Cantero, Colonel Rafael García, the councillor on sports, Mr. Antonio Granados, and the vice-president general of Cáritas charities in Granada, Ms. Carmen Muñoz.