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8th Mountain Bike Marathon 10th Mechanised Brigade ‘Guzmán el Bueno’ Sierra Morena

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Number: 1347

On 18th March the 8th Mountain Bike Marathon ‘Guzmán el Bueno’  Sierra Morena will take place for bikers (cyclists on mountain bike) and trail runners (mountain foot runners).

The distance to cover will be 82 demanding and technical kilometres for cyclists and 60.5 kilometres for runners.  The estimated participation is for 1,500 sportspersons (1,000 cyclists and 500 runners). The event starts from Córdoba and finishes in Cerro Muriano.

Registration, which will take place online by means of the form on the competition website, has a deadline of 9th March or when  the 1,000 places for mountain bikers and 500 for runners are filled. Registration fees are 35 € + 10 € chip deposit (this deposit is returned at the finishing line once the chip has been handed in) + 10 € for those who are not affiliated. For servicepersons who wish to participate in the event registration is free of charge;  in the latter case the 10th Brigade Office of Communication must be contacted (telephone: 957 358 571).

10th Mechanised Infantry Brigade ‘Guzmán el  Bueno’ organises the event along with the  ‘Ciclos Cabello’ Sports Club.   

Further information at the following link:

Promotional poster for the event

Promotional poster for the event (Photo:MTB Sierra Morena)