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  • Una patrulla de la Brigada “Galicia” VII participa en el ejercicio 'Cambrian Patrol' 2024
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A patrol from the 'Galicia' Brigade VII participates in the 'Cambrian Patrol' 2024 exercise

Monday, October 14, 2024

Number: 9737

Members of the patrol with their medals

Members of the patrol with their medals

Ten service members from the "Galicia" Brigade VII participated in the 65th international "Cambrian Patrol" exercise from October 3rd to 10th, held in Wales (United Kingdom), where they achieved the "Silver" category, highlighting their strong performance.

Held annually and organized by the Headquarters of the British Army's 160th Brigade, this exercise required participating patrols to cover 65 kilometers in under 48 hours, while carrying out numerous military tasks through the rugged Cambrian Mountains and the marshlands of central Wales, in the Brecon area.

While not a competition per se, the performance of the more than 100 participating patrols is assessed based on the tasks completed, operational capabilities, and individual development, as well as the physical endurance, resilience, camaraderie, and leadership of the patrol members.

Among the assessed tasks are artillery target designation and emergency close air support procedures, casualty evacuation drills and battlefield casualty care, countering explosive threats, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) drills, hand-to-hand combat skills, use of various communication systems, observation and reconnaissance of enemy positions, crossing and overcoming obstacles, recognition of friendly and enemy aircraft, vehicles, weapons, and equipment, as well as leadership.