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The minister visits the "Alfonso XIII" Brigade as part of the EU's rapid response unit

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Number: 7260

Robles has mourned the death of Legionary Knight Cruz and has expressed her condolences to his family and colleagues.

The Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, accompanied by the Army Chief of Staff, Army General Francisco J. Varela Salas, attended the headquarters of the "King Alfonso XIII" II Brigade of the Legion, in Viator (Almería) on 26 March, in order to learn first-hand about its preparatory work as part of the European Union's rapid response unit during the first half of the year.

During these months, the Brigade units are in the "Stand By" phase, so they try to maintain their already certified capabilities and availability to be projected within a maximum of 30 days.

After a presentation on the present and future of the unit, the head of Defence witnessed a tactical exercise in the "Álvarez Sotomayor" Shooting and Manoeuvring Field, in the urbanised and subsoil combat zones. The minister also attended the specific training that the Brigade is carrying out for its next simultaneous deployment in Lebanon and Mali.

Death of the Legionary Knight Cruz

During her visit, she reiterated her condolences and solidarity, on behalf of the Ministry and the Armed Forces, to the family and colleagues of the legionary knight Alejandro Jiménez Cruz, who died on 25 March at the Agost shooting range (Alicante) during an exercise with real fire. "Today, it is a priority to transmit solidarity to the family and to highlight the efforts made by men and women who risk their lives with their work. It is a very sad day for all the Armed Forces and, in particular, for the Legion, although we are encouraged by their efforts to continue working for what we believe and value," she stressed.

Ultimately, the Minister of Defence emphasized that the Unit is an example of modern, prepared Armed Forces, which are a point of reference for Europe.

In addition to the JEME, she was accompanied by the head of the "Castillejos" Division, General González-Valerio; the head of the Brigade, General Llago; and the Secretary of State for Defence, Ángel Olivares, among other authorities.


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