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The XLIII promotion of future sergeants culminates with their training in the "Minerva" exercise

Friday, June 29, 2018

Number: 6775

The trainee sergeants carry out a pistol shooting

The future sergeants carry out a fire exercise

Practice of vehicle recuperation

Practice of vehicle recuperation

Pratice in CBN environment

Pratice in CBN environment

From 25th to 29th July, 500 future sergeants from the Academia General Básica de Suboficiales (General Basic Non-Commissioned Officers Academy) participated in the "Minerva" exercise, the last big challenge before they are promoted as sergeants planned for the 9th July.

After having carried out their specific training, this exercise was useful to the trainee sergeants to meet up, share what they had learnt with their colleagues and encourage the team leadership. It was the cadets who had acted as the chiefs of squads and sections, where they were able to experience first hand the importance of being responsable for their decisions.

The distribution of the exercise was carried out in four areas, in Lérida, distributed between Aramunt, Salàs as well as in the academy itself, the latter in two different areas. The future sergeants were distributed in sections and passed by 22 tests. The groups were formed from personnel from all the Spanish Army branches. The sergeants gave instructions to their comrades, depending on their branches they possessed.

"The academy makes an important effort for this exercise, and this is complemented by the rest of the academies, which are  responsable for the different areas", explains the Chief of AGBS. In this way, the different areas are led by the Infantry Academy, the Logistics Academy, the Artillery Academy and the Engineering Academy.

After having completed their specific training, the cadets expressed their satisfaction on returning to the academy. They highlighted that the exercise contributed in giving them a better overview by being able to work with comrades with other specializatons and sharing what had been learnt between them.

After the briefing on 29th June, with the culmination of "Minerva", the students of the XLIII promotion will receive their posts and be promoted as sergeants.

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Los sargentos alumnos de la XLIII promoción de la enseñanza militar de la Escala de Suboficiales realizan el ejercicio 'Minerva 2018'