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  • El Ejército rememora la gesta del 2 de mayo y homenajea a sus héroes en varias ciudades españolas
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The Army commemorates the achievement of 2nd May and pays tribute to its heroes in various Spanish cities

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Number: 5979

Leaders at the ceremony held in Madrid

Leaders at the ceremony held in Madrid (Photo:MAAA)

Salute during the ceremony in Cartagena

Salute during the ceremony in Cartagena (Photo:RAAA nº 73)

Formation at the ceremony in Segovia

Formation at the ceremony in Segovia (Photo:ACART)

Military units have once again commemorated the historic achievement made on 2nd May 1808 against Napoleon’s troops and have paid tribute to its heroes, Artillery captains Daoíz and Velarde.

In Segovia, on 2nd May in the Eugenia Victoria square, members of the Artillery Academy paid homage to its heroes, captains Daoíz and Velarde, who gave their lives defending Spanish soil. In his speech, Captain Moreno praised the leadership of the fallen artillery captains. The ceremony concluded with a tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain, the anthem of the artillerymen and a parade from a group of students, in formation before the leader of the ceremony, general lieutenant Ramón Pardo de Santayana, who was accompanied by key civilian leaders and local soldiers.

Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment nº 73 led a military parade at the port in Cartagena. The force was made up of soldiers, a military marching band and an honours drum with gun fires from that time. During the ceremony, honours were paid to National Training and to the leader who watched over the parade, general Fernando García-Vaquero. There was also a commentary about Daoíz and Velarde and their successors were the commentators at the event. Civilian personnel gave the oath of allegiance before the flag or a jury, showing their commitment to the defence of Spain. Following this, tribute was made to those who gave their lives for Spain.

In Melilla, the Mixed Artillery Regiment nº 32 commemorated the 2nd May in the “Heroes of Melilla” raised level area at the “Alfonso XIII” base, in a ceremony led by the major general of Melilla, Gutiérrez Díaz de Otazu, accompanied by civilian and military leaders, honorary artillerymen and guests. After the naming of the honorary artillerymen, the “2nd May” chapter was read by captain Ramillete García, and he carried out a ceremony in honour of those who gave their lives for Spain. The Artillerymen anthem was then sung and the force paraded before those in attendance.

Similarly, in Ceuta, in front of the Artillery monument and in the “Teniente Fuentes Pila” military barracks, on the day of the 307th anniversary of the creation of the Mixed Artillery Regiment nº 30, the artillerymen paid homage to Daoíz and Velarde, followed by a tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain and a military parade respectively.

Also in León, at the “Conde de Gazola” base, artillerymen of the Artillery Command Campaign celebrated the anniversary of the events in the Parque de Monteleón (Madrid) on 2nd May in 1808. The ceremony was led by general Torcal Ortega, chief-in-Command, during which medals of the Royal and Military San Hermenegildo Order were awarded and Military Merit to the commands and troops.

Finally, in Madrid, under the presidency of Cristina Cifuentes, president of the autonomous community, a military parade was held in the Puerta del Sol, whose command corresponded to the Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment (RAAA) nº 71. A scouts squad, military band and drummers from the RAAA participated in the parade, as well as music from the Army Barracks Management, and mixed drummers from the 6th “Almogávares” and 7th “Guadarrama”, a unit from the Civil Guard and other from the Madrid Municipal Police. Motorised units also particpated in the parade and, on horseback, the Special Security Brigades of the Community of Madrid, the Prevention and National Police Reaction unit and the RAAA nº 71 motorised unit.

Finally, in the capital, a military retreat was also held with the participation of different units from the Armed Forces, State Security Corps and Forces, and the Municipal Police. The stations were located in popular sites in the historic quarter of the city, such as Plaza de Oriente and Plaza Mayor.

Tributes were also paid by the rest of the artillery units in the Spanish army.