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Farewell message from Army General Domínguez Buj to the members of the Army

Monday, April 3, 2017

Number: 5913

The Chief of Staff of the Army, Army general Jaime Domínguez Buj, today hands over to his successor, Army general Francisco Javier Varela Salas.

This morning, at first hour, he said goodybe to the colours during a simple event organised at the Army Headquarters in Madrid. Later, there will be a formal hand over ceremony.

Army general Jaime Domínguez Buj has left a thank you message to all the members of the Army. The farewell speech can be viewed in the attached document.

Farewell message from Army General Domínguez Buj to the members of the Army

The Army general says goodbye to the colours

The Army general renews the oath of allegiance (Photo:Ángel Tejedor/DECET)