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Chief of Staff of the Spanish Army chairs the events in in honor of St. John Bosco in 'San Cristóbal-Villaverde'

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Number: 5763


Chief of Staff of the Spanish Army at "San Cristóbal-Villaverde" (Photo:PCAMI) 

Chief of Staff of the Spanish Army at "San Cristóbal-Villaverde" (Photo:PCAMI)

Speech of the most Senior Specialits in Melilla (Photo:COMGEMEL)

Speech of the most Senior Specialits in Melilla (Photo:COMGEMEL)

On Jan. 31, at the “San Cristóbal-Villaverde” barracks in Madrid, the Chief of Staff of the Spanish Army, Spanish Army General Jaime Domínguez Buj, chaired the events in honor of St. John Bosco Specialits Corps and Operational Logistics of the Spanish Army patron−.
The main event involved a military parade which Force was made up of sappers´squad, music band, the “Inmemorial del Rey” n.1 Infantry regiment, and an Honors company. There were personnel from the Logistics Material Supply Center, the Armored Systems Maintenance n.1, and the Barracks Services Unit.
During the event, Major Iglesias the most senior specialist of the barracks−, outlined the life of St. John Bosco and his connection with the Specialits Corps.
Celebration in Melilla
Specialists from Melilla, on their part, celebrated their patron with an event at the “Pedro de Estopiñán y Virués” barracks, Logistics Unit n. 24 HQ. This event was chaired by the General of Melillla, Fernando Gutiérrez Díaz de Otazu.
The most senior captain specialist made in his speech special mention to the colleagues who could not be present because they were deployed in Besmayah, Iraq (as part of the International Coalition training the Iraqi Army).  
Celebration in Ceuta
Likewise, in “Otero”, Logistics Unit n. 23 HQ in Ceuta, General Javier Sancho Sifre chaired a military parade to celebrate St. John Bosco Specialits Corps and Operational Logistics of the Spanish Army patron−.
At the event, decorations were given to military personnel, as well as appointing the ‘Almojarife de Honor’ (honors given to the most outstanding person of the year for his achievements in favor of the Logistics Unit n. 23).
Calatayud Logistics Academy
The Calatayud Logistics Academy in Zaragoza is the birthplace of the Spanish Army specialists. The act, celebrated at the parade ground, was chaired by General Amador Enseña y Berea Academy´s Principal. The act included the following decoration: ‘Logistics Honorific Mention’ to the town of Arturo Yagüe former councillor.
Tribute was paid to those who gave their lives for Spain. Afterwards, there was the formation parade.
On Jan. 31, the events in homage to St. John Bosco took place in all the Spanish Army logistics units and in those units in which Specialists Corps are deployed.