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  • Ridley Scott visita las FAMET en busca de exteriores para su próxima película
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Ridley Scott visits the FAMET in Spain looking for locations for his next movie

Friday, January 27, 2017

Number: 5748

Yesterday, the filmmaker Ridley Scott, along with part of his movie producer team, visited the 'Colonel Maté' base in Colmenar Viejo, Madrid, in pursuit of locations for his next movie: ''El Cártel.'' The movie is inspired in the drug trafficking between Mexico and the United States.

 The idea of using the facilities in Spain and U.S.-produced helicopters from the Spanish Army Helicopter Forces (FAMET, in Spanish) for the shooting, happened by chance. The movie producer contacted the Spanish Army to ask permission to visit the base and that´s how the first contact was made. The locations´chief was satisfied with what he saw; therefore, he organized a second meeting to which Ridley Scott himself attended.

 The Army Helicopter Forces Commander, General García Blázquez, welcomed the whole team at the arrival. Afterwards, the team was guided through the facilities in order to find locations for ''El Cártel''; movie that is planning its shooting for this coming summer.


Ridley Scott with General Blázquez at the base (Photo:FAMET)

Ridley Scott with General Blázquez at the base (Photo:FAMET)