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Cospedal chooses the Buenavista Palace to meet with her Portuguese counterpart

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Number: 5739

María Dolores de Cospedal, Minister of Defense of Spain, has met with her Portuguese counterpart, José Alberto Azeredo, at the Buenavista Palace in Madrid (Spanish Army HQ).

Ms. Cospedal chose the Spanish Army HQ as the framework for this bilateral meeting that these 2 allied countries Defense Ministers have on their political agenda as regular meetings.

After the honors chaired by Ms. Cospedal,  who was escorted by the Chief of Staff of the Spanish Army Mr. Jaime Domínguez Buj, both Department of Defense responsibles went to the meeting room. Once the meeting was over, the Portuguese delegation had the opportunity to enjoy a guided tour of the noble area of the Palace.

 Inspecting the formation at he Spanish Army HQ, Madrid.  (Photo: Communication Department)

Inspecting the formation at he Spanish Army HQ, Madrid.  (Photo: Communication Department)