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  • La ministra de Defensa preside los actos por la festividad de la Inmaculada Concepción en la Academia de Infantería
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The minister of Defense chairs the events of ‘the Immaculate’ , Patroness of Infantry, at the Infantry Academy

Friday, December 9, 2016

Number: 5671


The minister of Defense chairs the events

The minister of Defense chairs the events (Foto:MINISDEF)

Tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain

Tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain (Photo: MINIDEF)

Parade to finish the act

Parade to finish the act (Photo: MINIDEF)

The Defense minister of Spain, María Dolores de Cospedal, has chaired the celebrations of the Spanish Infantry Patroness  −Immaculate Concepción− and of the other military corps at the Infantry Academy in the city of Toledo on Dec. 8th. She was escorted by the Army General (JEME in Spanish) −Jaime Domínguez Buj− and by the Military Academy principal −Colonel Luis M. Candal.
In words of the minister: ‘the Academy is the cradle of the Infantry; it is a prestigious center that trains soldiers in the techniques and tactics needed to respond to any threat. It has also instilled, in its 150 years of history, essential moral values such as sense of duty inspired in love for Spain, discipline, bravery, and honor.’
The minister congratulated the Infantry students (Infantes in Spanish), the military legal corps and the military chaplains (those two also with the Immaculate as Patron). The minister also had words for the military personnel who are in missions abroad, for their families and the fallen on duty.
After conferring decorations, the speeches and the tribute paid to those who gave their lives for Spain, a motorized, mechanized and armored parade took place along with units on foot which put an end to the event