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  • Los misiles del Regimiento de Artillería Antiaérea nº 73 iluminan la costa onubense
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The missiles of the 73rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment light up the Huelva coast

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Number: 5049

The 73rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment carried out a live fire exercise at “Médano del Loro” (Huelva) from 7 to 11 March which involved firing six Aspide missiles and 837 type 90 35 mm cannon shots divided into ten rounds of increasing difficulty.

The missiles and cannon shots were first fired separately. Next a joint tactical exercise combining both was carried out. The exercise culminated in a final activity during which two missiles were fired at the same target simultaneously.

The exercise included a round of missile launches alongside an Anti-Aircraft Warfare Unit set up by the 1st/73rd Group SAM Aspide, whose weapon system is made up of low- and very low-altitude surface-to-air missiles (Aspide) and of type 90 35 mm anti-aircraft guns. The Unit was integrated into the Air Defence System through the operations centre.

The Air Target Unit, which is under the authority of Anti-Aircraft Artillery Command HQ, provided support during the exercise. It made available aircraft of the ALBA model for the cannon shots and of the SCRAB II model for the missile shots.

The aim of the exercise was training and assessing the crews and testing the accuracy of the Aspides as well as appraising the integration and combat procedures of the unit.

Launch of one of the Aspide missiles

Launch of one of the Aspide missiles (Photo: RAAA nº 73)