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The first brigade is ready for the fight

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Number: 4370

The first Iraqi brigade trained by the Spanish Army is ready to fight the self-proclaimed Islamic State. The training lasted three months and was led by members of the Spanish Legion deployed at Besmayah. It came to an end on 20 June with a demonstration of the brigade’s capabilities.

The 92nd Brigade is the first Iraqi unit not to have been trained by the American Army, although both American and Portuguese instructors played a part in the training.

One of the priority objectives of the training was to prepare the soldiers for urban warfare, since they are very likely to be sent to fight in one of the northern towns controlled by Daesh.

Nevertheless, the training programme has been comprehensive and included two phases. During the first phase, which lasted six weeks, the Iraqi troops were trained in the use of their weapons, survival skills, conventional warfare tactics, specialisation and, in the case of the officers, leadership skills.

During the second, three week phase, the troops were drilled as a company. This phase ended with a live fire exercise using explosives, providing artillery, helicopter and sapper support, and executing advance manoeuvres, both on foot and in mine-resistant armoured vehicles.

Members of the Brigade during training

Members of the Brigade during training (Photo: MINISDEF)

Arrival of a new contingent

Three Iraqi brigades will be trained at the Besmayah combat training centre. However, the next brigade will be trained by members of the Parachute Brigade, who will relieve the Legionnaires over the next few weeks.

The soldiers of the new contingent, who conducted their final preparation exercise from 8 to 14 June at the “Chinchilla” National Training Centre, in Albacete, were seen off by their comrades in arms on 19 June at the “Príncipe” base in Paracuellos de Jarama (Madrid).