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First Armed Forces Day for Felipe VI

Monday, June 8, 2015

Number: 4305

For the first time, his Majesty Felipe VI has presided as King the main events of Armed Forces Day on 6 June at Plaza de la Lealtad in Madrid. There stands the Monument to the Fallen for Spain, which contains the ashes of the heroes of the Dos de Mayo Uprising, and there burns the Eternal Flame in memory of all those who down the centuries have given their life for the fatherland.

As expected, Don Felipe arrived punctually at 11:30 AM accompanied by his wife, Doña Letizia, wearing the uniform of general of the Army (last year, when he was still Prince of Asturias, he donned that of lieutenant commander of the Navy). The Monarchs were received by the Minister of Defence, Pedro Morenés, and the Chief of the Defence Staff, Admiral Fernando García Sánchez.

The crowds welcomed the Monarchs with cheers of “Long live the King!” and “Long live Spain!” After listening to the national anthem, Don Felipe inspected the Honours Unit of the Royal Guard and greeted the main authorities at the event, starting with the Minister of the Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz. They also included the Chief of the Army Staff, Army General Fernando García Buj.

The Monarchs then attended the tribute to those who have given their lives for Spain, in which participated personnel from the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Civil Guard. Don Felipe laid a laurel wreath at the foot of the obelisk just as the military jets of the Eagle Patrol painted the sky of Madrid with the colours of the National Flag.

Finally, a mixed battalion which included a company from the 1st Infantry Regiment “King’s Immemorial” paraded down the Paseo del Prado before the attentive gaze the Monarchs, the authorities and the crowds. After the parade and amidst warm applause, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia proceeded to the Royal Palace where they hosted an official reception for some 200 guests.

The King lays a laurel wreath at the obelisk

The King lays a laurel wreath at the obelisk (Photo: Iván Jiménez/DECET)

Flag-hoisting ceremony and popular race

That same day at 10 AM the Army had previously taken part in a flag-hoisting ceremony at Jardines del Descubrimiento, in Plaza de Colón in Madrid.

The second edition of the popular race “Corre con todas tus fuerzas” (a play on words which means both “Run with all your might” and “Run with all your [Armed] Forces”) was held the next day, 7 June. This civilian-military initiative aims at bringing together the Armed Forces and the society they serve. The race consisted of a 5- or 10-kilometres run down Paseo de Recoletos and Paseo de la Castellana and had a charitable purpose: The money collected from registration fees will go to the Armed Forces and Civil Guard Welfare Foundation.