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An Artilleryman Takes First Place in a Navy Brigade Event

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Number: 1865

Dry land, mud, water... for the 4th Coastal Artillery Regiment artillerymen and women there is no terrain that can counter them, as has been made clear in the most recent FAN-PIN race, held on 14th September, in which its members have placed first in the men’s individual and women’s team categories, reaching third place in the women’s individual classification. 

This very physically demanding resistance event, that is now in its 10th season, is organised by the Navy Brigade, takes place in the vicinity of its installations in San Fernando (Cádiz), and includes events that are very similar to those that make up routine Marine preparation. 

This means covering an 8 kilometre distance, first in two swimming legs and then crossing a marshy area.  Among the over 1,000 participants, the first to reach the finishing line was Private Fernando Domínguez, posted to the 4th Coastal Artillery Group, with a time of 42 minutes and 28 seconds.

Staff Sergeant Esther Castellón placed third in the women’s event; her fine performance, together with that of her team mates, took them to first place in the women’s team category. 

  Panorama of the participants during the tough event

Panorama of the participants during the tough event (Photo:Field Artillery Command)