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Tribute for the 20th Anniversary of the Terrorist Attack in ‘la Cruz Verde’ Square

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Number: 1855

A plaque in memory of those killed in this square in Madrid has been unveiled

The general and the mayoress unveil the plaque

The general and the mayoress unveil the plaque (Photo:Luis Rico/Army Communication Department)

Captain Tejedor’s widow after placing the wreath

Captain Tejedor’s widow after placing the wreath (Photo:Luis Rico/Army Communication Department)

Authorities present during the mass

Authorities present during the mass (Photo:Luis Rico/Army Communication Department)

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack in the ‘la Cruz Verde’ Square, perpetrated by the ETA terrorist group, a tribute ceremony to those killed has been held in Madrid.  The explosive device caused five fatalities: Captain Ramón C. Navia, Captain Juan A. Núñez, Captain Emilio Tejedor, Private Francisco Carrillo and civil servant Antonio Ricote.

The ceremony has been presided over by the director of the Army Base Department, General Ricardo Álvarez-Espejo, and along with him have been the wives and relatives of the deceased.  Also attending have been the mayoress of Madrid, Ms. Ana Botella, the commander of the 1st area of the Civil Guard, General José Quílez, the Centre district city councillor, Mr. José E. Núñez, the Communication Area city councillor, Ms. Mª Isabel Martínez-Cubells, and the president of the homeowners association of the building that was affected, Ms. Mª Sol Otero.

The tribute has consisted of a mass officiated at the Military Cathedral, followed by the unveiling of a plaque in memory of those killed, which was placed at number one in the square in Madrid where the ETA terrorist group had put the car bomb.  General Ricardo Álvarez-Espejo and Ms.  Ana Botella have unveiled the plaque. Following this, Captain Emilio Tejedor’s widow, Ms. Araceli Prieto, on behalf of the relatives, and the mayoress of the city have placed the commemorative wreath. 

Terrorist Attack in the heart of Madrid

It was a little past 8:30 am on 6th February 1992 when the explosion of a car bomb in ‘la Cruz Verde’ Square hit a military minibus and caused several nearby buildings to tremble.  The vehicle was headed for the ‘Capitanía’ Headquarters Palace, where at present the Army Base Department is located.  The shock wave caused extensive material damage in nearby buildings and injured to various degrees passersby and residents.