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Lebanese Ranchers Receive the Help of Veterinarians from Zaragoza by way of the Spanish Force

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Number: 1845

The 37th force in Lebanon has made it possible for a group of experts from the University of Zaragoza Veterinary School to advise the owners of small Lebanese family livestock farms that are located in the Spanish area of responsibility in order to improve their animals’ hygiene and productivity. 

From 27th August until 7th September, two professors and a master degree student are visiting the farms in the region, which are spread out in 12 different towns, and are caring for the livestock, basically cattle but also sheep and fowl.

During their visits, they assist the farm owners by providing medical treatment for the animals in need and by advising them in the area of disease prevention and procedures to improve production, for example, of milk.

While they are there, they are receiving accommodation on Base ‘Miguel de Cervantes’ in Marjayoun, headquarters of the Spanish force, which is made up with core troops from 2nd Cavalry Brigade ‘Castillejos’ and led by General Manuel Romero.
This collaboration is another example of the fine relationship that the University of Zaragoza maintains with the Army.



The team collaborating in the recuperation of a calf.The team collaborating in the recuperation of a calf. (Photo:Public Information Officer Lebanon)