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The Chief of the Army Staff Visits the Army Museum

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Number: 1832

The Chief of the Army Staff has visited the galleries at the Army Museum

The Chief of the Army Staff has visited the galleries at the Army Museum (Photo:Army Museum)

General Ramos (right) has accompanied the Chief of the Army Staff

General Ramos (right) has accompanied the Chief of the Army Staff (Photo:Army Museum)

The Chief of the Army Staff, Army General Jaime Domínguez Buj, today has visited the Army Museum, situated in the ‘Alcázar’ fortress in Toledo in the company of the director of the Military History and Culture Institute, General Francisco Ramos, and the director of the Museum, General Antonio Izquierdo.

This visit makes evident the importance that the Army museum has for the new Chief of the Army Staff, who took up his post less than a month ago.  Army General Domínguez Buj has shown interest in the current situation of the Museum and its most immediate challenges, while affirming that visiting its galleries means an encounter with History.  ‘To catch up with the future it is necessary to take a few steps back to get a running start,’ he has affirmed in reference to the need to know and bear in mind our own History.  In spite of the present budgetary restrictions, the Chief of the Army Staff has shown optimism regarding the situation of the Army Museum, which is registering a great number of visitors in summer, thanks to the presence of numerous tourists in the Imperial City.