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The National Defence Course, at Army Headquarters

Friday, April 13, 2012

Number: 1546

The Chief of the Army Staff delivers a lecture on the Institution’s Present and Future

Participants in the 32nd National Defence course, organised by the Centre for Advanced Studies on National Defence (CESEDEN), on 12th April went to Army Headquarters , where they attended a lecture delivered by the Chief of the Army Staff.  The delegation was led by the head of the CESEDEN’s School for Advanced Defence Studies, General Ramos.

The Chief of the Army Staff shared with attendees some reflexions on the Army’s present and future.  To this end, he began by referring to the changes in the strategic environment that have come about in recent years.  Then he explained what the Army’s situation is within its continuous process of evolution and where it is headed.  In this sense, he affirmed: ‘The permanent change to which we are submitted obliges us to think of the future in order not to arrive late’.

The Chief of the Army Staff also spoke of the currently available resources, including those financial, taking very much into account the limitations imposed by the current scenario of budgetary austerity.  To conclude, he explained how service personnel are prepared to fulfil the missions they are assigned and how they are facing up to the ongoing operations.  In conclusion, the Chief of the Army Staff pointed out: ‘Spain today has a modern, efficient, united and available Army, at the service of her citizens.  An Army which probably has the best servicepersaons in all its recent history.  The recognition of the Spanish society, which we serve and protect, is the best reward that we could receive’.

The Chief of the Army Staff during the lecture at Army Headquarters

The Chief of the Army Staff during the lecture at Army Headquarters (Photo:Ángel Manrique/Army Communication Department)