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Good Participation and Magnificent Organisation in the 6th Ebro Race

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Number: 1474

A large part of the race took place on 'San Gregorio' Training Centre

A large part of the race took place on ‘San Gregorio’ Training Centre (Photo:Ignacio Mohedano/ 370/341 Personnel Support Office)

The event’s men’s military podium

The event’s men’s military podium (Photo:2nd Cavalry Brigade)

The top three servicepersons to classify in the event

The top three servicepersons to classify in the event (Photo:2nd Cavalry Brigade)

In all 1,500 runners gathered on 11TH March for the 6th season of the Ebro Race, which had an 18.54 kilometre route and 600 metres height difference. The 20th Field Artillery Regiment , belonging to Cavalry Brigade ‘Castillejos’, was in charge of organising this competition, in collaboration with United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation, Aragón Sports and the Association for the United Nations in Spain. 

In the absolute men’s category, first place went to long distance runner Mr. José Antonio Casajús, who was the first to cross the finishing line situated on Aragonese Sport Centre tracks in Zaragoza, with a time of 1 hour and 6 minutes.  In the women’s category, the victory corresponded to Private María Nazaret González (Logistics Academy), with 1 hour and 20 minutes, who was also the top classified in the absolute women’s military category. 

First place in the absolute men’s military category went to Private Jaime Mora (Army Helicopter Forces). In teams, the General Military Academy dominated, followed by the 2nd Cavalry Brigade members, and in third place, the 41st Logistic Support Group.  In all, 1,296 runners crossed the finishing line. 

Mr. José Antonio Casajús, winner of the absolute men’s event, wished to highlight the organisation’s labour:  ‘There are few races in Spain, if there are any at all, that are organised so meticulously as this one.  When we run here it is different from any other and it is famous for everyone’s good work’. 

Again this year, the race expenses have been defrayed with the participants’ registration fees, which will also allow for funding various co-operation projects in conflict regions, such as Lebanon.