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The Joint Chief of the Defence Staff Visits Army Headquarters

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Number: 1342

Es la primera visita del nuevo JEMAD al CGE 

This is the new Joint Chief of the Defence Staff’s first visit to Army Headquarters (Photo:Luis Rico / Army Communication Department)

Una compañía del "Inmemorial del Rey" le rindió honores

A King’s Immemorial1st Infantry company paid him honours (Photo:Luis Rico / Army Communication Department)

Tras el encuentro con el JEME hubo una sesión de trabajo

Following the meeting with the Chief of the Army Staff there was a working session (Photo:Luis Rico / Army Communication Department)

Only seven days after taking office as Joint Chief of the Defence Staff, Admiral García Sánchez has met today for the first time with the Chief of the Army Staff, Army General Fulgencio Coll, at ‘Buenavista’ Palace in Madrid, Army Headquarters.

On his arrival at the headquarters, at midday, a company from the King’s Immemorial 1st Infantry Regiment paid him honours on the parade ground.  Then, the Joint Chief of the Defence Staff held a private meeting with Army General  Coll and a working session, with the participation of Lieutenant Generals Fernandez Asensio, chief of the Personnel Command, Villanueva Barrios, chief of the Logistic Support Command and Martín Villalaín,  Deputy Chief of the Army Staff, accompanied by all their Staff generals.