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The New Minister of Defence, ‘Excited’ at his Investiture

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Number: 1321

Handover between Ms. Carme Chacón and Mr. Pedro Morenés (Photo:Ángel Manrique/Army Communication Department)

Handover between Ms. Carme Chacón and Mr. Pedro Morenés (Photo:Ángel Manrique/Army Communication Department)

The new minister of Defence, Mr. Pedro Morenés (Photo:Ángel Manrique/Army Communication Department)

The new minister of Defence, Mr. Pedro Morenés (Photo:Ángel Manrique/Army Communication Department)

The ceremony has been held at the Ministry of Defence (Photo:Ángel Manrique/Army Communication Department)

The ceremony has been held at the Ministry of Defence (Photo:Ángel Manrique/Army Communication Department)

'Returning to this ministry is a dream’. With these words the minister of Defence, Mr. Pedro Morenés, has wished to address the civilian and military authorities who have gathered on the Ministry headquarters’ main courtyard this morning to attend his investiture.

The new minister of Defence confessed to being ‘very excited’ about the appointment and his return to this Ministry where he had already occupied the post of secretary of State on Defence for four years with minister Eduardo Serra. In his brief address, Mr. Pedro Morenés wished to remember all those soldiers who are deployed on international missions ‘defending Spanish honour’ wherever their presence is required. Moments earlier he had received his first official honours, following being received by the now former ministress, Ms. Carme Chacón, and along with her reviewing the formation made up of Army, Navy, Air Force and civil Guard personnel.

After this, they proceeded to the Reading of the decree of appointment. Previously, the minister had been sworn in to his post before the King at the Zarzuela Palace. The ceremony was completed in the noble area of the building, with the exchange of portfolio between the incoming minister and his predecessor, Ms. Carme Chacón.

The ministress’ farewell

In her farewell, Ms. Carme Chacón wished to highlight the professional and human quality of Armed Forces members alongside of whom she has worked during these years, as well as their abnegation and that of their families.

She confessed to taking with her ‘beautiful, indelible memories and some very painful ones’, and she emphasized the ‘lesson of integrity’ which has been given to her by the fellow soldiers and those closest to soldiers who have lost their lives on active service or have been injured. 'I cannot imagine a greater honour’, she said when referring to this period of service to Spain, and added that she would carry it ‘forever’ in her heart.